Graphic Designer

Haven | New Avenues

Branding, Concept

Haven, a fictional network of shelters that care for homeless LGBTQ+ youth, needed a new identity as well as materials for a conference they were hosting on LGBTQ+ issues, the New Avenues Conference 2016. The logo, conference invitation, and program were all developed to promote the organization's active and supportive brand.

Support for the Most Vulnerable

Support for the Most Vulnerable

Haven is a network of transitional group homes for LGBTQ+ homeless youth across three cities. LGBTQ+ people face violence, abuse, and exploitation at disproportionately high rates, and especially for transgender people, are often unwelcome at shelters. By providing these youth with a reliable, welcoming resource to help them get back on their feet, Haven aims to prove that these individuals are important, valued, and deserving of a chance at success. (The concept for Haven was inspired by a real local shelter, Casa Ruby.)

 As an organization built around supporting teens, Haven needed an recognizable identity that portrayed its reliability as well as its positive energy. This brand carried through into their conference efforts: reliable enough to bring in the big dono

As an organization built around supporting teens, Haven needed an recognizable identity that portrayed its reliability as well as its positive energy. This brand carried through into their conference efforts: reliable enough to bring in the big donors, and friendly enough to attract attendees of all walks of life.

haven_program1 alter.png